RM8/month increase for Malaysian Youtube Premium Family plan from next month

Youtube today sent out an email to Malaysian users informing those with Premium family plan that their subscription would increase in the coming month.

The increase will see Premium Family plan holders pay and extra RM8/month, with the fees jumping from RM33.90 to RM41.90 monthly.

Google also had increased othert plans with the Premium Student plan now RM2 more expensive, and the Premium Individual more expensive by RM3.

In the email, Youtube said that the increase is to “deliver great service and features” although it didn’t specify what service and features it may be improving or adding.

Youtube said that the new price will be reflected in the 28 October 2024 bill.

The last time YouTube increased their Premium Family pricing was in 2023, with the Google hiking the price from RM26.90 to RM33.90.

Also experiencing an increase in price for Youtube Family Premium is Singapore which saw their price go up by $10.

Want to save on Youtube subscription, go HERE.