Kingston Micro SD memory cards
Kingston Micro SD memory cards

Need more space? 512GB chips for smartphones are coming

Move on smartphones with 256GB internal storage space, and make way for the all new 512GB storage space.

Samsung is reported to be now mass producing 512GB chips, enabling smartphones of the future to have up to 512GB storage space internally. Now, to achieve more storage space, you need to add in an additional memory card, like the microSD card.

According to Android Central, Samsung did announce they were looking into larger storage space for smartphones, aside from the typical 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB and 256GB chips, but made it official last December 5th that they are officially starting mass production on a 512GB embedded Universal Flash Storage chip – a first for the mobile industry.

The tech site continued on to say that “the entire package consists of eight 64-layer 512GB V-NAND chips and single controller chip”, which confirming that the size of the new chip is the same as Samsung’s 48-layer 256GB chip. This means, you can expect future smartphones with the 512GB chip to remain similarly sized, or even smaller than it is now.

The new 512GB chip max read speeds at 860MB/s and max write speeds of 255MB/s, which is pretty fast.

With apps and ROMs now getting larger, the 512GB storage space is a definite upgrade, but the question now is how much would it affect smartphones in the future, because that’s where it hurts most of us; in the pocket.