Telegram today reported that it has surpassed 500 million active users after Facebook forced its users to agree to new terms and conditions which are related to privacy matters.
The already popular messaging app said in the past 72 hours alone, more than 25 million new users from around the globe had joined Telegram.
This is a huge surge, considering that Telegram’s rate of new sign ups in 2020 was 1.5 million daily.
In Malaysia, Telegram is the second most popular app being downloaded, losing only to another messaging app, Signal.

Telegram is co-founded by Russians Nikolai Durov, Pavel Durov and Axel Neff with its headquarters located in United Kingdom.
It was developed by Telegram FZ LLC, and released in August 2013.
The instant messaging app is popular among cryptocurrency users, but has somewhat gained popularity due to it’s vas functions which include the ability to pin messages and save data on Telegram’s cloud.