When it comes to choosing a mobile plan, or a telco for that matter, it always comes down to coverage, how much of a certain service do you need, and how much are you willing to pay for it.
In most cases, you typically end up paying more and have excess data, SMS or calls as the trend now is to bundle everything up as one package.
This is what Yoodo, a new telco in Malaysia, plans to address.
Yoodo is a hybrid telco, which takes the best of the prepaid and postpaid world.
From what I understand, and my slight experience with ordering the FREE SIM, you can choose your monthly subscription based on your needs, instead of letting the telco (Yoodo) decide it for you.

Looking at the diagram above, I noticed that the cheapest priced plan if you were to take all three services, data, SMS and calls, would mean that you would be subscribing to 2GB of data, 50 minutes of calls and 50 SMS at RM28/month which is pretty cheap, although it isn’t as cheap as Unifi Mobile which I reviewed, if you take into account the duration one reload can last.
However, the number validity duration can be addressed by purchasing a special add-on which allows your Yoodo number to stay active for 365 days.
Anyway, interestingly, unlike Ookya and Tagg which is by Maxis and Digi respectively, Yoodo doesn’t use VPN, and I think that’s a plus point as you don’t need to have additional settings.
Sine Yoodo is by Axiata, I expect coverage to be similar with Celcom, but I do find the plan rather interesting if you are looking for an mobile plan that is solely based on PAYU (pay-as-you-use) terms.
To grab a free sim with Yoodo, you can download the app from the App Store or Play Store.