I was browsing YouTube and this video about dual-camera set-ups in smartphones caught my attention.
Personally, I am not sure if there is any truth in these so called ‘fake dual-camera’s, but the video below is rather convincing.
In the video, it is claimed that the famous ‘bokeh effect’, which blurs out the background, was taken using one camera, instead the supposedly two camera set-up, something that is usually the case when you have a dual-camera set-up.
The video gets even more interesting with the vlogger named Mrwhosetheboss doing a test to show that these dual-cameras are fake.
In the test, one of the two cameras is blinded, but shows no effect on the image taken, hence the conclusion that the dual camera is fake as the phone is only using real camera, while the other is a mere dummy.
I’ve used the ASUS Zenfone 3, and I can definitely testify that you really don’t need a dual camera set-up to have the so called ‘bokeh-effect’ as seen by the photo below.

Anyway, Mrwhosetheboss also claims in the video that the problem of fake cameras hits up to 60% of phone brands out there, so if his word is to be taken seriously, there’s a lot of smartphone brands adopting this so called ‘fake dual camera’ set-up.
He further says that some smartphone brands actually have the technology, but opt to not install the real dual-camera set-up on their smartphones, opting to put a fake (or dummy) dual camera instead.
If you are keen to know more, check out the video below.
If you watched it, what do you think?
Any chance you can also prove he is right?