The Asus Zen 3. Photo credit: Unbox PH

ASUS Zen 3 & 4 series to get Android O update

At the recent ASUS Zen 4 launch recently, tech giant ASUS made a promise that would excite owners of the ASUS Zen 3, and ASUS Zen 4.

The promise was that all smartphone under the Zen 3 and Zen 4 series would get the latest Android O update.  This is huge news for ASUS customers because ASUS isn’t exactly known to be fast when pushing Android updates to their phones.

The upgrade to Android O will still use the company’s flagship and tweaked ZenUI, but the newer version, which will come as ZenUI 4.0, will be immediately come pre-installed in their newly launched Zen 4 smartphones.

According to ASUS, the big deal with the new ZenUI 4.0 is that it would only feature 13 pre-installed apps this time, making the tweaked Android interface faster than before. Previously, ASUS installed 35 pre-installed apps in their ZenUI 3.5.